All about fireplace designs and fireplace design ideas. From stone fireplace designs to outdoor fireplace designs and more.

Electric Hearth Fireplace Designs - Alternate to a wood fireplace hearth!

Dreamed of owning your own fireplace hearth but just don’t know the best way to nail down the best fireplace design. Maybe it is not a real hearth fireplace design that you need.

If you are living in a climate or place where heat from a real fireplace hearth is not important then electric fireplace design maybe the way to go. Substantially less cost, considerable less time needed and little or no municipal regulations make this a realistic fireplace design choice.

There are a number of options for you in your fireplace design depending on the image and extent of trouble you want to go to source unique materials for your unique fireplace design.

Basically there are two major components to a fireplace design. First component of your fireplace is the firebox. Generally these are self contained rectangular boxes, which come with a fire flame window, possibly some mechanical device to simulate the flames, electric internal heater with unit up to around 1500 watts maximum heat output, and fan, hopefully various fan speeds or variable speed fan is best and a little control panel usually hidden behind some vent bars, but not always. Possibly a remote which is a fireplace design bonus in the user convenience department.

The electric firebox varies in size and this is going to affect your fireplace surround choices. Since the electric firebox has to fit within the opening of your fireplace surround, if you’re buying a prefabricated stone, precast or wood surround. Obviously not as much of a design concern if building a custom surround other than picking an appropriate size for your room and fireplace design. Now a variety of companies supply a wide selection of ready to go knock down fireplace surrounds. These are quite common in the local building supply warehouses. The variety of surrounds range .. some surrounds are painted designs .. others stained in a range of wood tones to suit various room designs and finishes.

Electric fireplaces and surround designs do not have to be designed as common fixtures and can be upgraded in design to suit many chic homes layouts. The combination of the right firebox and a stylish fireplace surround can allow you to amplify your living space feel and comfort level, even if the fireplace design does not fit within ones accepted “definition” of a traditional wood fireplace!

Fireplaces are sold and used around the world for cooking, heating and places of entertainment. Here we are referring to a fireplace design that would be used more as a room focal point or create a place to gather. Care to eavesdrop on your upcoming social get togethers around your new fireplace design of your dreams.

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