Radiant Basement Floor Heating System

Basement Floor Radiant Heating System - Why It Is A Sound Decision

If you're considering heating your basement with a basement floor radiant heating system, then you're making a smart decision. In fact, it is the ideal application for radiant heating systems. In this article, I will show you how it compares to the traditional heating options for the basement.

A basement floor radiant heating system has maximum efficiency when it is running at 100% capacity. Do you know what normal forced air and gas heating systems achieve for efficiency? Usually around 75%, and rarely higher than 90%. When you're running furnaces at half of their capacity, then efficiency is even less. This means that radiant heating systems will cost less to run because they are more efficient.

What are some other benefits to having a basement floor radiant heating system? Compare it to the furnace, where every year you're required to go down and tinker with it. It may be just to clean the filter, or perhaps perform some other maintenance. And just imagine the headaches involved when it breaks down? With radiant heating, you face none of those problems.

There are also other great benefits that people often overlook. For example, you're not limited to your decorating and the furnishings and wall coverings you use. This is because radiant systems require no registers, radiators or grills. Not only are they invisible to the eye, but they are also undetectable to the ear. They run silently. What furnace do you know runs silently?

Plus, when it comes to remodeling, forced air and gas systems just can't compete with radiant systems. For example, you can retrofit a low-voltage basement floor heating system on existing concrete or asphalt. It is both effective in large and small areas, and is simple to modify when you're remodeling.

Finally, radiant floor heating is just plain better for your health. This is especially true if you have allergies. Forced air systems push air around the home, which makes it easier to distribute the dust and pollen. Additionally, radiant heating is better for the environment, which in turn creates a better atmosphere for you to live a healthy lifestyle in. It is also safe for your children because there are no high-voltage issues, no hot surfaces that can burn you and no poisonous or combustible gases.

Just for these reasons alone, giving serious consideration to a basement floor radiant heating system makes good sense.